Episode 1: A Times Square Anniversary Party
So Project Runway has now been on the air long enough that some of the younger contestants on this new season can honestly say they've been watching it since the were kids (or at least young teens) and it may have been the reason some of them went into fashion design. More importantly, reality television has been a thing for long enough (Thank-you, Mark Burnett...or, Curse You, Mark Burnett, depending on your view of reality TV) that some of the younger contestants could have grown up dreaming of being a reality TV star as their main career aspiration. These types of contestants are usually easy to spot (ahem, Gunnar) because they are obsessed with being the "funny one" or the "kooky one" or--90% of the time--the "bitchy one" and are constantly trying to spew out sound bites. These people often have profiles on IMDb even if they're competing on a cooking show (look up the contestants of MasterChef US...there is ALWAYS a generous sprinkling of aspiring actors among the cast list). But even after all these years, I'm still a sucker for Project Runway. It was the first reality show I truly loved and I already love Season 10 as much as I loved Season 1.
The first episode is always exciting but it's hard to form solid opinions about the designers because there are SO MANY of them and we usually only have one garment to judge them on before someone gets sent home. In previous seasons, the first challenge has been one that tests the designers' ability to think on their feet, like unconventional materials challenges or ones in which they have to rework the clothes off their backs and make a new look on the spot. The problem with that approach is that the person who goes home first invariably argues that they didn't get a chance to show "what they can really do" because the challenge wasn't about their signature style. In other years, the first challenge has been ALL about the designers' signature style, sometimes even giving them tonnes of extra time by letting them create their first look at home before the first episode airs. The problem with that approach is that the judges invariably wonder if the winner of the first challenge as proven that they have what it takes to deal with the curve balls that PR is about to throw at them. This year, the designers had the best of both worlds. They got to present a look they completed at home PLUS shop at Mood for the materials they would need to create a companion piece on the spot. For some, this would mean they could show off their signature style AND their ability to roll with the PR punches. For others, it gave them twice the opportunity to disappoint.
But first, the workroom...
The Workroom
The big news is that Gunthar is both a diva and an idiot, Fabio gets all his food from the garbage, Dmitry and Elena hate everybody just a little bit, and Kooan is determined to be the kookiest person who ever kooked.

There's a lot of looks to keep track of, but it's pretty obvious some of the designers should really be worried. Lantie is trying to "ignore the pain inside" but maybe she shouldn't be. Her second look is so painful that she should be doing more to fix it. Gunnar spends all his time finding reasons to hate Christopher, which is weird but leads to a lot of funny reaction shots of Christopher. We learn that Dmitry used to be a ballroom dancer in Belarus and that Elena looks like a completely different person when she does her hair differently.
You know what? Let's just skip ahead to the runway.
The Runway

Alicia's Original Look:
If you're going to do a romper, it better be a friggin' perfect romper because they're a rather childish type of clothing that can look stupid FAST. But, what can I say? Hers is perfect. I wouldn't ever wear one, but if I had a friend who insisted she wanted a romper I would tell her she should get one from Alicia.

Alicia's Companion Look:
It's not my personal style, but it looks like it turned out exactly how she meant it to (it looks intentional, which is a great thing) and it really compliments her other piece. I feel like I have a good idea about her as a designer from these two pieces (which was the challenge!)

Andrea's Original Look:
It's okay. It's like an ad for that perfume from the early 90's, Exclamation. Anyone remember that?

Andrea's Companion Look:
It's cute, but I demand to see this model sit in it without showing off her knickers!

It's pretty cute from the back, but I'm worried that all of Andrea's looks will somehow have this lampshade shape.

Beatrice's Original Look:
She made this at home. At her leisure. Jesus, it looks like she made it at f*cking gunpoint.

Beatrice's Companion Look:
Did you ever get your period early and have to quickly wrap a sweater around your waist to hide an embarrassing stain? Beatrice loves that look, apparently.

Buffi's Companion Look:
Oh dear god. Is there any contestant, ever, who couldn't have made this? It's a very low bar of skill and design ideas that Buffi is setting with this piece. I bet you could make this. By accident.

Buffi's Original Look:
I call bullshit on the pants. I don't think that a designer who can't think of anything better to make than that top (it's a piece of fabric, awkwardly draped) could also make those pants. Yes, they're tacky and ridiculous, but they also fit. I think Buffi had help getting them to fit like that.

Christopher's Companion Look:
He was worried about his zipper. I was worried about his model. Quick! Someone get this girl off the meth! Not only is there such a thing as too skinny, there is also such a thing as too sunken eyed, too awkward, too flat chested and too...well, methy.

Christopher's Original Look:
I would have loved it as much as the judges did if it weren't for the cut around the bodice. The shape of the top makes the already flat chested model look like she has the body of a skinny little boy. I think a fuller bodice (one that didn't cut away so much at the sides) would have been more flattering for this look. Also, this girl looks like an unsexy vampire. What the hell did sweel lil Christopher do to deserve such awful models??

Dmitry's Original Look:
You know people use the term "lol" a lot lately, and they hardly ever mean that they're actually laughing out loud. But I did when I saw this dress. Is he for real? I had that exact dress for a Barbie I got in 1982. An off-brand "Barby" from the Met discount bin that said "Dinasty Barby" I think.

Dmitry's Companion Look:
Could his model look any more pissed off to be wearing this? I don't know what her problem is. Did she even SEE what his other girl had to wear?
Elena's Companion Look:
She can obviously construct quite a lot, even while under pressure. I do worry that she thought the cream was "too out there a colour"
Elena's Original Look:
She claimed the judges had never seen anything like this before. No, I'm pretty sure the judges have seen Christian Siriano before.
Eek! Except Christian Siriano never EVER made his models look like line backers. I guess it's good if you're going for that "just gained 80 lbs in my ass and haven't figured out how to walk right" look.

Fabio's Companion Look:
Apparently Fabio skipped ahead to the "make things out of garbage" challenge and make this look out of used coffee filters and old toner cartridges. Well, he does like to go dumpster diving. I guess this look is an homage to freevanism.

Fabio's Original Look:
Yeah, I get it. He plays with shapes and makes them somewhat flowy, somewhat awkward, a little hippie, a little cool. Yup, got it. But it's not that interesting. Maybe next week?

Gunnar's Companion Look:
Why was Gunnar so excited to see this walk down the runway? Does he know where he is? It's a design competition! One where the judges will notice things like simple designs that they've seen a million times, executed poorly with bunching and poor fit. He should NOT be so excited by this dress.

Gunnar's Original Look:
A flattering picture of this look was unavailable. It looked like THIS in every shot. I don't get it.

Kooan's Original Look:
I like it, but did he really make it for the challenge? It looks like something he just brought out of his collection, maybe from his audition? Can he make clothes on the spot?
Kooan's Companion Look:
Uh, he can make clothes on the spot, but should he? It doesn't seem to have any of the whimsy of his other look, other than the juvenile shape. I don't get it. Maybe if he did more sound effects?
Lantie's Original Look:
She didn't even really make this. She "reworked it" from a vintage dress. She was inordinately proud of this look until Patricia Field said she was basically a step up from a stylist, not a designer.
It's slightly better without the jacket thing, but it still looks like someone is playing a dead bride for Halloween.

Lantie's Companion Piece:
It reminds me of the "You Can Totally Wear That Again" challenge from Season 8 with Michael Drummond's black tulle over hot pink monstrosity (see below)

Melissa's Companion Look:
Every year the judges say that if you're going to do all black, or if you're going to simple, or if you're going to do asymmetry, it better be perfect. This is what they meant. This is the RIGHT way to use all of those elements and still make a statement. I'm impressed already.

Melissa's Original Look:
Holy cow! Sammy Brady from Days of Our Lives would have KILLED for this look! It's so intense and mysterious. I'm a little bit in love. Melissa reminds me a little of April from Season 8, but I think she's WAY ahead of where April was in her abilities. One to watch, for sure.
Nathan's Companion Look:
I CAN'T be the only one thinking that the slinky green dress and bright blue shoes make the model look like Marge Simpson standing on her head. I just want to put a pearl ankle bracelet on her to complete the look. But if she took the stupid shoes off I would actually love this look.
From the back I'm not so sure. The drape on the bum makes her look saggy and weird. I doubt many women would love how it made their bums look.
Nathan's Original Look:
It's pretty and I think the colour makes sense with the other piece. It's a different colour (obviously) but I think the two colours together could tell the same story. The only thing I'm wondering though is if he meant it to be a formal dress. Everything from the waist up reads more casual to me, yet the volume and length of the skirt, plus the long slit, makes it seem like an evening gown. Is Nathan the one who wants all of his clothes to be "special occasion clothes"? While I'm sure there's a market for that, designers who specialize in that seem like they're playing fantasy dressup with life sized Barbie dolls rather than advancing fashion trends for real customers. We'll see.
Raul's Original Look:
When this look first came out I was distracted by the model's horribly cut bangs, obviously meant to mimic Raul's own stupid hair, and I didn't notice how competent this suit was. I won't say great, but definitely not horrible. And I like the lace blouse with it (I hope he doesn't use lace every challenge though).
Raul's Companion Look:
I could do without the precious brooch and clunky shoes, but this dress isn't a total write off. It's not as good as the original look though.

Sonjia's Original Look:
Ah, I don't know. Too much of this look seems accidental. The built in cover up on the pants look like the model is trying to hide an accident (or a problem area) rather than making a fashion statement. The undone jacket looks like maybe it CAN'T be done up and not including a shirt under the jacket looks more like she ran out of time, rather than she was being edgy or sexy (or whatever). Overall, it's just a bunch of bad styling thrown at a poor model who is just trying to do her job. Also, are those stirrup pants?? Please say it isn't so.

Sonjia's Companion Look:
The only thing this look has in common with the other look is the bad styling. Lack of taste should NOT be your signature look. But Sonjia seemed to love it, which can't be a good sign.

Ven's Original Look:
No doubt he's got talent. The rose reminds me of the cover of the novel The Shoemaker's Wife (see below). I think he's this season's Rami.

Ven's Companion Look:
It's a smart way to interpret "companion piece." It reminds me of the first one, but it uses techniques that are similar but different. They look like they could be two pieces in the same line.
Did some of these looks seem familiar? Well, after so many seasons, we're bound to get repeats...
Where have we seen it before?
Michael D's nearly losing look from Season 8, Episode 6 (also, Lantie's nearly losing look, but hers was in a drabber colour)
Christian Siriano (Season 4) did the "warrior in black" look like nobody's business (also, Elena, who does it...but not as flatteringly)
The cover of The Shoemaker's Wife, by Adriana Trigiani, uses a photo from Harper's Bazaar from 1949. I love this look and I think Ven could reproduce it if asked (check out those roses!)
Exclamation Perfume ad from the early 90s (also, Andrea)
But what did the judges think? Well...
The Judging
The guest judges were Lauren Graham and Patricia Fields. Is it me or is Lauren Graham looking different lately?

Maybe a little weight gain and face work? Oh well, Lauren Graham has looked exactly the same for nearly twenty years. She's certainly entitled to look a little different...but...it still bugged me because I couldn't place what exactly was different about her look. Maybe weird lighting and a bad relationship with the PR make up people or something? Okay, I need to let this go. Lauren Graham is still very lovely and looks younger than I do, even though I think she's quite a bit older.
Moving on...
Which looks did they love?
Christopher's looks: The judges agreed that the black dress was not special enough for the win, but were blown away by the workmanship of the long dress.
Ven's looks: They loved it but as soon as Heidi said the bustier really looked "like a rose" I knew he wouldn't win. Since the divorce, she may not be so keen on things that are "like a rose."
Melissa's looks: As Lauren Graham put it, they give off a vibe of "coolness" and I agree.
Which looks did they hate?
Beatrice's looks: Obviously she was in trouble as soon as the judges started talking...
Lauren Graham: Well, I suppose there are some designers who just make T-shirts...
Heidi: But they're not going to win Project Runway if they just make T-shirts.
Lauren: Yeah...
Michael Kors: So she's a Snuggy designer?
Heidi: I love my Snuggy!
Lantie's looks: Heidi asked her if she always does those stupid bib details in the front and she INSISTED she doesn't. She's such a LIAR! Look at her audition! The only look that didn't have a bib detail had a cut out detail (in the shape of a bib) on the chest. So yeah, it's a thing she does in ALL her clothes.

Kooan's looks: It seems like the judges were unsure about HIM more than his looks. Did you catch the nervous shrug Heidi gave the judges when he made his nonsensical noises and shuffled off the stage?
The Results:
CHRISTOPHER WINS!! I was a little surprised but good for him. Gunnar is PISSED.
BEATRICE IS OUT. It could have gone either way between her or Lantie, but I was glad Lantie got to stay. She acts like a spoiled child (even though she's a middle aged woman!) so I think it will be fun to watch her fail. That sounds so mean, but...I think it WILL be fun! She still talks about all the stuff her Daddy buys her, like she's a teenaged girl who's never been told no. I think it'll be great to watch how fast she crumbles when she learns that she's not that great even if her Daddy tells her she's the prettiest, smartest, most talented little girl in the world (who's nearly 50).
But the big news is....
Apparently TWO contestants go home next week, not including elimination. A female contestant just leaves in the middle of the night and goes home. The producers even go to her apartment but her doorman says she's not taking any guests. The show has confirmed that it's someone who was "paranoid" after being in the bottom during the previous challenge. The promo for next week's show has clips of Andrea crying and Elena yelling, but I'm pretty sure it's Lantie who goes home. In the middle of the night. During what is apparently a team challenge. Because she's a spoiled little girl...who may have been experiencing hot flashes.
Also, a male contestant with a history of mental illness has some sort of breakdown and is deemed not "fit to continue" after the show brings in a psychologist (!!!) to assess him. What the hell?!? They've had some nutso contestants before, including drug addicts and people with all manner of physical and emotional disorders, but it's usually just Tim or Heidi who have to talk them off the ledge. How serious is this breakdown? Is it violent? And who is it? I really don't know. Gunnar maybe? Although with him it would probably be a fake breakdown for attention, and to hide the fact that he sucks.
Whoever it is, Heidi even said in an interview that the contestants who quit probably weren't very talented anyway and were about to be exposed as being outmatched by the much more talented contestants. God, I love that German supermodel task master!
For those remaining, the challenge is apparently the unconventional materials challenge and will have the designers making outfits from candy from Dylan's Candy Bar. Always fun!