The Project Runway Blog Where we will discuss all things Project Runway, plus a few of those knock-off shows as well (you know who you are).
Monday, August 27, 2012
Be back soon!
I know I'm two weeks behind on my PR blog but it's been a crazy busy August and now, on top of everything else, I have the flu. I feel too icky to think, let alone blog, but I promise I'll be back soon! Right now though I'm going back to bed.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Project Runway: Season 10: Episode 4: I Can See Your Fish Whistle From Here!
The Drama #1: Andrea
Yes, Andrea left in the middle of the night. And yes, she's been criticized by her fellow designers and numerous bloggers for "not setting a good example for her students." But if I may just defend her for a moment. A lot of former Project Runway contestants have PR Blogs (some are better than others) and many of them have insisted over and over just how difficult the pressure can be, so they understand why some contestants call it quits (which has certainly happened a lot in the past, not just with Andrea!). But Laura Bennett's blog made an excellent point about Andrea specifically. When a designer leaves, they aren't allowed to actually leave. Eliminated designers are held in limbo, sequestered by the show until all the episodes have been filmed, sometimes being made to attend public appearances with the other designers so no one can figure out who has been eliminated when. If Andrea wanted to go HOME, she couldn't. Or at least she couldn't be SURE they'd let her. The producers and crew are following the designers for nearly 22 hours a day. They're woken up, sometimes as early as 4am, and they are often in the work room until midnight, then they have to film their interviews (the talking heads that air throughout the show) until nearly 2am. The middle of the night is the only time Andrea could have snuck off without someone stopping her. Yes, it sucks. But I get it.
Okay, moving on.
The Drama #2: Kooan
Oh, Kooan. I feel bad for him. I'm not sure what happened in real life, but the editing of the show made it look like Irina from last week broke his soul. In show promos, it was implied that Kooan had previous mental health problems, but that just makes me feel worse for him. Will he have to stay in the "eliminated designer rooms" for several more weeks, just feeling more sad and isolated? Sigh. Probably. Poor guy.
Plus, it was really sad to see all the designers crying. Especially Nathan, who has been a bit of a non-personality so far.
And then this happened.
The Drama #3: Raul
They brought Raul back. Of course they did. It's no surprise, but the big surprise is that he wasn't immediately eliminated again. I loved watching the other designers quietly avoid his glance as he bragged that he "never should have been eliminated in the first place." I don't think anyone thought that was true. Whenever I see Raul I think, "he's the guy with the million affectations." A few years back on a Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant podcast, they were reading a viewer letter from someone who called himself "The Party Animal." Ricky and Steve just started making fun of him, saying they imagined he was the guy who kept insisting on his own coolness, wanting to be known by his "million affectations." Like, he's the guy who only ever wears bowling shoes. He's the guy who always carries a lunch box around. He's the guy with the Doctor Who scarf that his mom made him. That's how I see Raul. He wants to be known as the guy who always has the pointy bangs. He's the guy who always wears the Molly Ringwald hat. He's the guy in the vest. He's the guy with the unidentifiable accent. He's got a million affectations! But not much else.
Okay, finally:
The Challenge:
It's a pretty soft ball challenge this week, and thank goodness because I don't think the designers could have handled too much more than that. Basically they have to design versatile active wear for the woman on the go, a la Michael Kors. They're not required to make it specifically day-to-night, nor are they told to make sportswear separates. All they're told is to make sure it doesn't wrinkle. I was hoping there would be a twist like there was in Season 3 (Laura Bennett's season) when the designers had to prove how well their clothes would travel by literally getting on a plane while wearing them. But it's probably for the best. These designers are so very, very tired.
The Workroom:
I've said this before but I'll say it again. As a viewer, I adore Christopher. But if I were a fellow contestant on his season, I would spit in his food. He's WAY too nosy about everyone else's work! Trying to get Buffi to change her design and use some of his fabric instead? I get that Buffi's work was unsuccessful and she did ultimately go home for it, but in the moment she must have wanted to punch Christopher for all his "constructive criticism." And it wasn't just with Buffi! He had his nose in everyone's business! See, THIS is why every new crop of designers thinks that the challenges are longer than one day. Because when you watch the show the designers always seem to find time to sit around staring at each other's work! Why aren't they focusing on their own? I'm sure it's just the editing, but it looks like Christopher spent 60% of his time sitting around sucking his teeth at other people's designs (as did Nathan, Sonjia and Melissa--where did they even find the time for that?).
As annoying as it would be for other designers, Christopher's buttinskyism did result in the show's golden moment. When Fabio was fitting his model with his way-too-short and terribly made dress, Christopher quipped, "Oh, I can see her fish whistle from here!" Pure gold.
The Runway:
Uh-oh. Heidi is wearing a cheetah-print Flintstones dress. Is that a nod to Buffi? Since we already know that Buffi's the one that is eliminated, I'm going to go with yes. Yes it is. (I realize that's not possible, but I'm not above believing that Heidi is psychic.)
It really did look fantastic on the model, especially when she was walking. I did notice that it was a lot thinner and more see-through than I assumed it would be (I could see the model's legs through the fabric) but that would probably make it pretty comfortable too. It didn't look quite as good in still photos or when the model was standing before the judges (well, slouching before the judges). It kind of bunched up a bit on one side, which was weird. I think it's the kind of dress that would look good on a variety of body types, but not a wide variety, if that makes sense. Like, not everyone could wear this, but quite a few people could. And I think it would look great in different colours.

I actually loved this. I thought it really showed Alicia's point of view and was a more polished version of her signature "baby dyke" look. The "versatility" was really that it was middle-of-the-road casual, so I don't know if it completely fulfilled the challenge. You could wear this to work at most jobs, but could you wear this to a social event at night? I don't know. But you could go from the office to the grocery store for sure.
"Salem, this is just the beginning..."
I feel like Melissa from Season 10 is living the dream of April from Season 8. She's older (but looks younger), prettier (sorry April, I know that's not relevant), and way better at what she does. She makes the witchy woman goth clothes that I think April left on her sketchbook. This look isn't for everyone, for sure, but I think it came out exactly how Melissa intended (which April's clothes almost never did).
Do you ever get the sense that Buffi is only a designer because if she wasn't, she wouldn't know what else to do with her life? Like she needs to legitimize her clubbing-every-night-in-her-30's lifestyle with a "job" that's not really a job? When this fails to work out, I'm sure she'll start saying she's a handbag or jewellery designer or perhaps a "stylist." If her father was famous, she'd probably have her own auto-tuned vanity pop single out by now.
Oh geez. I think he might be this year's Jerrell Scott (Season 5). Remember Jerrell? He was beautiful and fabulous and oh-so-fashionable, yet his clothes were sort of sad and ugly. Then it turns out that Jerrell Scott (born: Scott Jerrell) was really an aspiring actor and model. Although, Nathan might also be vying to be this season's Jerrell, since his clothes are also sad and plain and use that weird ugly colour palette. And like Jerrell, Nathan can actually sew. I'm not sure what Fabio can do. His clothes have zero relationship with how he himself dresses. What is going on, Fabio?? Also, I don't know why the judges never said anything about the fact that he chose a print and then DIDN'T LINE IT UP IN THE BACK! They HATE that! Maybe they did say it but it didn't air. It's all I could see when the model turned around.
EEESH!! Okay, there are a few designers who might be vying for the role of "personally fabulous, professionally disastrous" (sorry, Jerrell, to keep using you as an example!). Gunnar seems to think of himself as the prettiest girl in the room, but this design is just a bunch of ugly, outdated colours thrown together. Yuck!
Oh so sad. That colour is just awful, is terrible on the model's skin tone, and makes no sense with the purple bag. The worst thing is that Nathan seems to be racing for the middle, not caring if he ever impresses the judges. Perhaps he never will.
Was that really ONE seam? That's pretty cool. I'm not sure how it would look on someone who actually had breasts bigger than an AA cup, but then again the cutout in the back would make it hard for a busty girl to wear a proper bra (oh I sound like Joanna Coles). I like it okay, but I'm not sure about the placement of all that pleat detail, crossing between the breasts like that. I bet on me the pleats would be in all the wrong places and I'd look like someone had just drawn a giant 'X' across my boobs, like "no access" or something. Weird.
What happened Ven?? I know you love pleats (LOVE 'EM) but I think you may need a pleat intervention. Here it just looks like you made a saggy lunch bag into a dress by throwing a full body zipper on it. Yet it is "exactly the look" he was going for. Uh-oh.
Bahahahahahaha! Okay, that's just so awful that I have nothing to say about it because I'm too busy laughing my ass off. Yeah, you were too talented to be eliminated, Raul. Surrre, you were.Elena
Okay, in Elena's portfolio and audition tape, all her "warrior inspired" clothes look like something Janet Jackson would wear in the video "Scream" (remember that? It was awesome). But week after week she's just been presenting larger and larger clothes that make her model look less like a warrior and more like an agoraphobic who's trying to make a house out of her clothes that she can hide in. Next week I expect her to make a neutral-coloured turtle shell and just have the model's eyes and hands poking out.
Oooh! Sharp! This was my favourite look this week. The only thing I didn't like was the length of the part that hangs down on the side. It's WAY too long! But if that were shorter, it would be fantastic! And that jacket is great. I wonder if it can actually close? But it reminds me of another jacket we've seen on the PR runway before, only I can't think of which one. Does anyone know?
The Judging:
The guest judges are Rachel Roy (awesome!) and Hayden Panettiere (careful, she'll date you and then try to get you kicked off the show!).
Gunnar, Melissa, Nathan, Ven, Alicia and Elena are all safe. Gunnar is "flabbergasted" because apparently he thought he would win (he's so delusional) and Melissa thinks Fabio will win (WHAT? Was she being sarcastic?)
The Tops:
Sonjia's model is stunning, but I wanted to tell her to stand up straight. Was she slouching? Or was it just the fabric of the dress that made her look like she had a mysterious third boob just above her waist? But the judges loved her dress (it was pretty good, except for the odd bunching). Plus, Sonjia is like a fashionable Tootie Ramsay from Facts of Life!
Christopher's dress and jacket look modern and expensive and the judges all love it. I wonder if he would have won if the side drape hadn't been so long. Tiny little Hayden Panettiere would have tripped on that and broken her tiny leg!
Dmitry can definitely sew and I think it'll keep him around for quite a few challenges, but he just couldn't grab the win this week.
The Bottoms:
The judges were understandably confused how someone as interesting as Fabio can make clothes that are so uninteresting. He's wearing a turban and ropes! Yet his model is wearing something you could get at Old Navy (but at Old Navy the pattern would line up in the back).
It was pretty obvious that Buffi was in trouble. Like Rachel Roy said, if your look only works when you add a belt, it's not really a garment. Like Michael Kors said, it's a hairdressing smock covering a badly made dress.
I think Raul really should have gone home. Not only was this his second chance, but it was also his "opportunity to make a suit," according to him. Since he's a menswear designer, he should be able to make a suit! But this is...I'm running out of synonyms for "awful." The t-shirt looks like it's broken, the pants are pieced together with a series of accidents and oopsies, and the vest is just an insult to the human body. I cannot stress enough how much I dislike this.
The Results:
Sonjia WINS! I was surprised it wasn't Christopher but it was a solid win. Besides, Hayden wanted to wear the winning dress to a red carpet event, so that tipped it in Sonjia's favour. Go Tootie!
Buffi is OUT. While it's legitimate that she was auf'd, I was sad to see Raul stay over her. I do think that whenever a designer comes back after being eliminated, they should have to prove themselves all the more because they've already been given a second chance that the others didn't get. So if a second chance designer is in the bottom three, I think they should usually be the one to go home. Plus, Buffi's so nice! I think the other designers will miss her, especially in the team challenge next week.
Next Week:
TEAM CHALLENGE! Plus, it looks like it's for Nina, which is always a nightmare for the designers. Looks like there will be tears. If only Buffi were there to keep everyone smiling!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Project Runway Season 10 Episode 3: Finally, a little drama! But still...there could have been more.
Episode 3: Welcome Back to the Runway, Losers (and some winners)!
Heidi meets the designers on the runway and she's back to her usual fabulous self. Did anyone else notice that her chic gold dress looks like it could have been designed by Ven? All that pleating at the collar looks like it's right up his ally. Then again, last week she wore something that reminded me of Lantie and that's who went home, so I hope it's not a bad sign for Ven! (Wait, no, he has immunity.)
Heidi meets the designers on the runway and she's back to her usual fabulous self. Did anyone else notice that her chic gold dress looks like it could have been designed by Ven? All that pleating at the collar looks like it's right up his ally. Then again, last week she wore something that reminded me of Lantie and that's who went home, so I hope it's not a bad sign for Ven! (Wait, no, he has immunity.)
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As per usual with team challenges, some designers are more excited than others |
It's the Lexus Red Carpet challenge and the designers must work in teams of two to design a red carpet look for the Emmys, incorporating the colour of the Lexus they've been assigned into their designs. Their clients are past contestants from Project Runway. The teams are chosen randomly. Here's the breakdown:
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How cute are Dmitry and Melissa here? It won't last |
Team Brown: Andrea & Christopher: Anya Ayoung-Chee, Season 9 Winner
Team Red: Raul & Alicia: Mina Hermanovski, Season 7 Finalist
Team White: Gunnar & Kooan: Irina Shabayeva, Season 6 Winner (but I'm not sure Season 6 should even count)
Team Silver: Melissa & Dmitry: April Johnston, Season 8, All-Stars (nice girl, but how she made All-Stars is a giant mystery to me)
Team Champagne: Sonjia & Nathan: Valerie Mayen, Season 8 (Oh my goodness, I barely remember her. Did she go home in the first couple of weeks in her season? Maybe somebody more memorable dropped out at the last minute and she filled in?)
Team Black: Elena & Buffi: Laura Bennett, Season 3 Finalist
Team Navy Blue: Ven & Fabio: Kenley Collins, Season 5 Finalist
The Consultation:
Mina should be easy to design for since she has a specific point of view, a limited colour palette, and her designers are both MENSWEAR DESIGNERS! How could Alicia and Raul NOT nail this? Well, hard work and determination, that's how. They seemed determined from the start not to do what they were best at because, for some reason, they thought "everyone said they had to do gowns." In her blog, Mina later expressed how flummoxed she was by this choice.
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Two menswear designers and Mina? A match made in heaven? Not if these two have anything to say about it! |
Kenley's consultation goes about exactly how you'd expect it to. Did her designers even get to speak?
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Nothing says "take me seriously" like a 35-year-old woman dressed like a five-year-old. What ever happened to Sweet Baby Kenley? |
The Workroom:
The designers compare notes about clients, with each claiming that their client is the hardest one. I love when Christopher just pointed to Anya's picture on the wall and said, "Boop! I got Anya." Of course the reason I loved that is because he reminds me so much of my friend Brad, so only those of you reading this who KNOW Brad would even get that (but a few of you do, I'm sure!). Even the way he puts his hands on his hips and hunches his shoulders like a contestant on America's Next Top Model reminds me of Brad. So I really like Christopher. (Although I will say this, I don't think my friend Brad would turn into "the guy who cries" if he were on a reality competition show, like Christopher seems to be.)
Things seem to be proceeding along nicely until the clients visit the workroom. Anya tells Christopher and Andrea she doesn't want to show so much skin, which Andrea insists is no problem but which almost makes Christopher cry. Mina is very concerned over the red print that Raul and Alicia are working with (of course she is, it breaks up the black and white colour palette that she is married to). And Laura confirms to Buffi and Elena what they've already feared: their skirt will never be finished in time if they don't change strategies. Elena looks like her head is going to explode, which prompts Buffi to tell her to calm down. Elena behaves how ALL calm people behave: she screams "I AM CALM!" and storms out of the building for an indeterminate amount of chain smoking. Because she's super calm.
The designers compare notes about clients, with each claiming that their client is the hardest one. I love when Christopher just pointed to Anya's picture on the wall and said, "Boop! I got Anya." Of course the reason I loved that is because he reminds me so much of my friend Brad, so only those of you reading this who KNOW Brad would even get that (but a few of you do, I'm sure!). Even the way he puts his hands on his hips and hunches his shoulders like a contestant on America's Next Top Model reminds me of Brad. So I really like Christopher. (Although I will say this, I don't think my friend Brad would turn into "the guy who cries" if he were on a reality competition show, like Christopher seems to be.)
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Fabio looks on while Ven explains the dress that he and Kenley designed |
Tim Gunn comes in and SURPRISE! The winner of the challenge gets to GO with the client to the Emmys! Holy Smokes! That's fun! Of course, it's not entirely clear why their clients are even going to the Emmys in the first place, but let's just assume that they're guests of the show.
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In another feat of sheer determination, Christopher and Andrea manage to find a colour that looks terrible on Anya |
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Irina is as lovely and pleasant as always (remember her from Season 6? She was a smug, entitled, unpleasant ogre then, and nothing has changed). She later goes on to kill all Kooan's joy |
When Christopher's not busy freaking out over his own partner and her "snail-like" sewing skills, he makes some pretty funny comments about Elena. "Her personality is like she just escaped...from the woods. And she's ravenous. And she'll bite your head off."
Elena defends her behaviour to the camera by explaining that where she's from, in the Ukraine, "you have to be tough." Okay, fair enough. I bet it was hard there. "Nobody is going to say please or thank-you there." What? Really? That sounds-- "In Ukraine if you want to eat, you have to, like, really hustle every day. Only the strong survive." Jesus! That sounds like some sort of underground fighting ring! What the hell? "The weak ones, they don't survive." ACK! Was that a threat?
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Fabio seems to have had a lot of time this challenge. Also, he looks like the Hasidic version of Andrea. I just noticed that |
The Runway:
Team Brown: Andrea & Christopher: Anya Ayoung-Chee
I know their Lexus was brown, but did they have to use THIS much brown? She just looks messy, like a mud puddle. A shiny mud puddle. It's crazy because they have the hottest possible client and they made her look icky.
I was hoping they'd take the "red" inspiration and make something along the lines of The Night Circus (the book by Erin Morgenstern about the dramatic magical circus at night that only uses black and white in their colour scheme, with occasional touches of red. It's been optioned as a movie) but this just looks like they gave up. And the red hardly looks like an inspiration colour, or even an important accent. It's just sort of there.
Team White: Gunnar & Kooan: Irina Shabayeva
I don't think it looks like a wedding dress and it did come out quite lovely. But Irina was right about the shoddy construction, and she comes from the season of ALL shoddy construction, so that's a pretty big insult. If this dress won, people would be laughing at it when they saw it up close, with the weird puckering bum seams.
Team Champagne: Sonjia & Nathan: Valerie Mayen
I am sick that this gold dress wasn't in the top! Did the judges blink when this went by? Maybe they didn't notice it because they also don't remember Valerie Mayen.
I didn't love it or hate it. It was like a space age garbage bag, in dress form. I don't even know if that was an insult or a compliment. The back was pretty though. All in all, it was a sold middle-of-the-road effort (IN SPACE!).
Team Black: Elena & Buffi: Laura Bennett
Oh my god. Seriously? What the hell was this? Someone with as much "face" as Laura Bennett (and by that I mean chin) should NOT wear a collar so high. Why have I never noticed this before? Because Laura Bennett doesn't normally dress like this! She was, however, having the most fun on the runway. Too much fun. It was weird. Calm down, mom!
It was lovely and well made and exactly what Kenley would wear, but I do agree that it looked too daytime for the Emmys. Maybe if the fabric were a little more special, more like Grace Kelley? Like Sonjia said, she could wear this to church and no one would think anything of it.
The Judging:
That annoying girl from that annoying show is the guest judge for the Emmy challenge. Which totally makes sense since she's never even been to the Emmys.
Somehow the judges overlook Irina's seam problem and place Kooan & Gunnar in the top, along with Ven & Fabio. Raul & Alicia and Christopher & Andrea are not so lucky, although it could have easily been Buffi & Elena in the bottom. Sadly, Sonjia & Nathan's fabulous gold dress is overlooked and lands them in the middle with Melissa & Dmitry (who probably deserved to be in the middle).
When asked who should win if their look is chosen, Kooan graciously says that Gunnar should win since he was responsible for so much of the construction. Fabio admits that is also true in his team, but that he would really like to win because he feels he deserves "to pat myself on the back." Apparently, it's a self-esteem contest. Ven disagrees and says he should win since he (obviously) did all the design and construction on their dress.
When asked the question of who should go home if their look loses, the four on the bottom get a little more flustered, as you would expect. Christopher can't contain himself any longer and keeps insisting (rightly so, it would seem) that Andrea spent the whole day doing very little work and that she basically said she didn't care if she goes home or not. He then weeps that he wants to be there "so badly." I wish I could watch the extended judging in Canada, because I'm guessing there are a lot more tears.
Raul and Alicia are less teary but Raul steadfastly insists that they couldn't possibly choose which of them should go home, since it was a "team effort." That is usually code for "it's my fault and I don't want you to know it." Eventually Alicia confirms that, yeah, that's kind of true.
The Results:
Ven WINS! I was surprised that his dress won, but I'm not surprised that Ven was chosen as the winner over Fabio (despite Fabio's need for back pats).
Raul is OUT. He pretends like he's fine and happy but he's pissed that Alicia wasn't kicked out too. At least I don't have to look at his stupid hair anymore. Hooray!
Next Week: Is this where all the drama FINALLY happens? It looks like Andrea has spirited herself away in the middle of the night like a, well, like a quitter. And maybe Kooan leaves too? Or is this another "this season on Project Runway" thing? I think the Andrea departure really is next week since it said "the next morning" in the promo. Can't wait!
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